For International Women’s Day, Fuente Latina sent the press a video about a 90-year-old Israeli-Argentinean grandmother crediting soccer legend Lionel Messi with her survival on 10/7.
Fuente Latina teamed up with a non-Jewish Latino nonprofit, the Immigrant Archive Project (IAP), to produce the first-ever film about 10/7 Latino-Israeli hostages and survivors in Spanish, Voces del 7 de Octubre - Latino Stories of Survival.
Thousands of outlets published our clip with accompanying storyline. It pushed calls to release innocent Israeli hostages, including 2 of Esther’s grandchildren, to the top of global news.
Infobae, the #1 Spanish-language news portal in the world, published the story in a full-length article and video on their site. It featured in the Jerusalem Post, the Daily Mail, and elsewhere. Tweets about Esther gained millions of views on X in just a few hours.
The IAP team of filmmakers, guided by Fuente Latina, spent 14 days on the ground in Israel filming 40 survivor testimonies in Spanish.
Images of the 90-year-old woman forced to cradle a weapon and pose with her masked Palestinian attacker went viral after 10/7. Esther’s story was unknown before we interviewed her for the film in Spanish.
Esther explains on camera for the first time how armed Palestinians entered her home amid the carnage on Oct. 7. They demanded she tell them where her family was, but Esther remained calm and changed the topic to soccer. She explained how she is Argentinian, just like the soccer star Messi. One of the gunmen said he liked Messi and then left her alone after staging the photo. Her witness account is just one of many in the documentary that resonates with millions of Latinos worldwide.
The upcoming film project "Voces del 7 de Octubre - Latino Stories of Survival" brings to light an extraordinary tale of resilience and survival. At the center of this gripping narrative is Esther Cunio, a 90-year-old Argentinian grandmother living near the Gaza border in Kibbutz Nir Oz grandmother whose life took an unexpected turn on October 7th. That day, she found herself amid a harrowing situation, facing the imminent threat of danger from an unexpected source: Hamas.
What could have been a dire encounter transformed into an unlikely bond, all thanks to one common language: soccer. As Esther recounts her experience, it becomes clear that it was her passion for the sport, and particularly her admiration for Argentine football legend Lionel Messi, that catalyzed an extraordinary exchange.
About Fuente Latina
There are more than half a billion Spanish speakers worldwide yet only a few Hispanic correspondents are based in Israel
Covering any story without a correspondent on the ground, under a deadline, and without quick access to information and newsmakers to interview in Spanish, is a challenge for any journalist.
Fuente Latina is a non-partisan, non-profit organization known as the trusted source of information for global Hispanic media professionals covering Israel and the Middle East. We work with thousands of diverse Hispanic journalists and influencers covering stories about the region while in Israel and from afar.
Since 2012, Fuente Latina has facilitated wide coverage of Israel and the region for the top Hispanic news outlets in the world: 10,000+ interviews yielding 65,000+ stories; conducted 150+ helicopter tours; 80 Media Fellowships for 400 journalists; and authored over 200 op-eds. Fuente Latina media services assist journalists and influencers in a variety of ways to increase the breadth and depth of news coverage.
Contact details
Leah, israelí-hispano-estadounidense, acumula más de una década de trabajo con cientos de periodistas latinos y líderes de opinión del mundo en Israel, Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica y España.
Leah fundó Fuente Latina en 2012 tras reconocer un vacío en el mercado de los medios latinos y como respuesta a una creciente demanda por parte de los periodistas hispanos de información objetiva y factual sobre Israel en su idioma y en tiempo real.
Desde entonces ha llevado a millones de hispanohablantes una imagen precisa de Israel y la región a través de eventos mediáticos internacionales, entrevistas a expertos y conferencias, así como giras en helicóptero y muchas otras iniciativas.
Fuente Latina ha crecido rápidamente bajo su liderazgo y hoy es reconocida como la única organización periodística que rompe barreras geográficas, culturales y lingüísticas para medios de habla hispana que cubren Israel, el Medio Oriente y el mundo judío.
Leah es un una fuente con extenso conocimiento para medios latinos que desean cubrir noticias de Israel y el Medio Oriente. Leah publica frecuentemente en medios influyentes como Infobae y Univisió y es entrevistada con regularidad por medios españoles sobre asuntos regionales.
Leah fundó Fuente Latina tras haber trabajado siete años en The Israel Project, donde formó parte del equipo fundador de la organización en Jerusalén. Es graduada del programa de Educación en Seguridad Nacional y posee titulación del idioma árabe del Instituto del Lenguaje Árabe de la Universidad Americana de El Cairo.
Asimismo, posee una licenciatura en Historia del Medio Oriente por el Dickinson College, una maestría en Estudios de Política de Seguridad de la Universidad George Washington, y ha completado cursos de doctorado en Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén.
Leah reparte su tiempo entre Miami y Jerusalén y es madre del pequeño Zack Pedro. -
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